Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mortgage Paradigm

It's difficult for the masses to see what one person can see when they are intimately involved in the process of residential mortgage analysis and underwriting.   The big ones want, no must keep their money in tact.  They laid back with hushed mouths when the economic world feel apart in 2008 - 2009, then the begged (behind the scenes) for money to stay solvent and promised to return the favor to the american people when the time came and they were financial okay...

And now that they are "okay" and they are because they are getting prepped to give themselves their hundreds of thousands of dollars of bonus', they have been carefully calculating and doing what they do best!  Updating their proceeds and making them even tougher, in spite of the request by our heads of state to make it a little bit easier, at least for the short term, until the american people felt some sense of security again, some sense of surity and appeal in the retail environment. 

But the bankers took too much of a hit when the MI companies started to pull back, they detemined to have it both ways!  They would take the government money and get extremely strict on the polilcies that outlined money lending and ensure their take was always safe and sound..  In other words,

Damn the American people who are in the middle of this mess....  only the riches of the riches survive, stay alive...

It really is a human market place..

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