Thursday, July 30, 2015

Spill the Wine....

Does anyone remember that song?  Spill the wine, dig that girl?   It was crazy and a crazy time of living.  I wonder know why I was so melancholy all those years and am still the same way today?  I suppose some folks do go through life without ever feeling 100% happy or content.  For me, at this point in time I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.  My daughter will not give me any slack relative to the ice escapades and my fella.  She does not care that she is inflicting much pain on me and I honestly thought she had gotten past the childish way she handled things after Justin left us.

But I guess old habits come back to haunt.  I know mine have so I have a lot of nerve talking or writing trash, right?  I'm just so tired and all I want to do really, is sleep.  Just sleep as often as I can for as long as I can.  Well, at least I am back watching Dark Shadows and that is always fun!  Keeps my mind occupied and my heart busy.

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